math 451 umich

Math 451 final

Lecture 1a: Introduction to linear algebra

The Weierstrass M- Test

ROB 501: Weierstrass Theorem

A Criterion for Uniform Convergence

Equicontinuity: An Introduction

Dini's Theorem

Stirling's Formula: The Limit Exists

The Weierstrass Nowhere Differentiable Function

Summation by Parts

ROB 501: Cauchy Sequences

Density Arguments for Continuous Functions

09.01. A boundary value problem in nonlinear elasticity I

The Arithmetic Geometric Mean Limit

Abel's Test for Convergence of Series

Limit Superior and Limit Inferior of a Sequence

Cesaro Summability

Cesaro Summability Implies Abel Summability

Uniform Convergence of the Sum and Failure of the Product to Uniformly Converge in General

04.11. Numerical Integration -- Gaussian Quadrature

The Arzela-Ascoli Theorem

The Cauchy Product and its Convergence

Limit Superior and Limit Inferior of Ratios and Nth Roots

Raabe's Test for Convergence of Series